

e-books in Anatomy category

Book cover: Introduction to Human OsteologyIntroduction to Human Osteology
by - ScholarWorks@GVSU ,
This text was designed for use in the human osteology laboratory classroom. Bones are described to aid in identification of skeletonized remains. Basic techniques for siding, aging, sexing, and stature estimation are described.
Book cover: The Anatomy of the BrainThe Anatomy of the Brain
by - F. A. Davis company ,
The author's aim was to furnish medical students with a clear, accurate, and concise account of the anatomy of the brain, to be used as a guide. He decided to omit minor details, and to exclude subjects which are still matters of controversy.
Book cover: Anatomy Live: Performance and the Operating TheatreAnatomy Live: Performance and the Operating Theatre
by - Amsterdam University Press ,
Anatomy Live turns our modern notions of the dissecting table on its head -using anatomical theatre as a means of obtaining a fresh perspective on representations of the body, conceptions of subjectivity and own knowledge about science and the stage.

Book cover: Experimental Physiology and AnatomyExperimental Physiology and Anatomy
by - American Book Co. ,
This book represents a selection of experimental matter, adapted to the age of elementary students of the subject and which will present the facts of physiology in a concrete form. This is an attempt to place the subject on an experimental basis.
Book cover: Human Body MapsHuman Body Maps
- Healthline Networks, Inc. ,
An interactive visual search tool that allows users to explore the human body in 3-D. Users can search multiple layers of the human anatomy, view systems and organs down to their smallest parts, and understand in detail how the human body works.
Book cover: The Anatomy of the Human Peritoneum and Abdominal CavityThe Anatomy of the Human Peritoneum and Abdominal Cavity
by - Lea Brothers & Co. ,
In the following pages an attempt has been made to emphasize the value of Embryology and Comparative Anatomy in elucidating the difficult and often complicated morphological problems encountered in the study of human adult anatomy.
Book cover: Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Human BodyBasic Anatomy and Physiology of Human Body
by - National Open University of Nigeria ,
Anatomy and physiology are closely integrated both theoretically and practically. Anatomical information provides clues about probable functions and physiological mechanisms can be explained only in terms of the underlying anatomy.
Book cover: The Whole Brain AtlasThe Whole Brain Atlas
by - Harvard Medical School ,
From the table of contents: Neuroimaging Primer; Normal Anatomy in 3-D with MRI/PET; Normal Brain; Cerebrovascular Disease (stroke or 'brain attack'); Neoplastic Disease (brain tumor); Degenerative Disease; Inflammatory or Infectious Disease.
Book cover: Muscle Atlas of the ExtremitiesMuscle Atlas of the Extremities
by - Bare Bones Books ,
A brief pictorial atlas of the muscles of the extremities, including 46 muscles of the upper extremity and 39 muscles of the lower extremity. Origin, insertion, action, innervation and arterial supply is listed for each muscle.
Book cover: Hand Atlas of Human AnatomyHand Atlas of Human Anatomy
by - G. E. Stechert ,
The main object of studying anatomy is to obtain a mental image of the human body rather than to memorize numerous terms. Pictures of dissections aid the imagination of the student enormously and thus guide his work from the known to the unknown.
Book cover: Anatomy: Descriptive and AppliedAnatomy: Descriptive and Applied
by - Lea & Febiger ,
As a thoroughly practical treatise on the subject for the medical student, Gray's Anatomy has long been held in the highest esteem. The essentials are here embodied into a complete account of the structures of the human body and their development.
Book cover: Applied AnatomyApplied Anatomy
by - J.B. Lippincott Company ,
It is not the object of this work to teach plain anatomical facts; its aim is to show the relation of structure to function, whether it is normal function or function disturbed or impaired by injury or disease. It is explanatory and utilitarian.
Book cover: Surgical Applied AnatomySurgical Applied Anatomy
by - Lea Brothers and Co. ,
Applied anatomy serves to give a precise basis to those incidents and procedures in practice that more especially involve anatomical knowledge. It endues the dull items of that knowledge with meaning by the aid of illustrations drawn from experience.
Book cover: Surgical Anatomy and Operative SurgerySurgical Anatomy and Operative Surgery
by - Davis ,
This volume combines, in a practical manner, the subjects of surgical anatomy and operative surgery, because a knowledge of the one is essential to the proper study of the other. Drawings have been used largely for the purpose of illustration.
Book cover: Practical AnatomyPractical Anatomy
by - J. B. Lippincott & Co. ,
The work has been prepared with a single eye to the faithful economy of the Student's time. The minute anatomy of parts and the smaller ramifications of the nervous and vascular systems were omitted, belonging more properly to systematic treatises.
Book cover: Anatomy at a GlanceAnatomy at a Glance
by ,
A concise and accessible introduction and revision aid to fundamental anatomy for medical and allied health students and sports science students. Following an easy-to-use format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread with key facts.
Book cover: Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic VariationIllustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation
by - Anatomy Atlases ,
Anatomic variations arise from our genetic composition, no two living organisms are functionally or structurally identical. The authors describe normal things, although they may differ from the usual. Useful for quick reference.
Book cover: Anatomy of First Aid: A Case Study ApproachAnatomy of First Aid: A Case Study Approach
by - Anatomy Atlases ,
A first aid manual that is anatomically and medically correct. It conveys descriptions in anatomical language and graphic illustrations necessary to perform first aid and to communicate with those providing subsequent medical treatment.
Book cover: Atlas of Microscopic Anatomy - A Functional ApproachAtlas of Microscopic Anatomy - A Functional Approach
by - W B Saunders Co ,
This atlas was prepared with the student as the foremost consideration. The Atlas' function is classroom-oriented, it supplements textbooks heavily weighted towards electron microscopy, it provides concise structural/functional correlations.
Book cover: Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross SectionAtlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section
by - Anatomy Atlases ,
High-quality color atlas of sectional anatomy in the axial plane. Photographic images offer the best means of correlation with radiologic images. This book is sufficiently visually precise and detailed to aid in difficult interpretations.
Book cover: Atlas of Human AnatomyAtlas of Human Anatomy
by - Anatomy Atlases ,
This atlas is translated from the original atlas entitled Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen which was published in 1841 in Leipzig, Germany. The author of this atlas was Professor Dr. Carl Ernest Bock, who lived from 1809 - 1874.
Book cover: Anatomy of the Human Body (20th Edition)Anatomy of the Human Body (20th Edition)
by - Lea & Febiger ,
The Bartleby.com edition of Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body features 1,247 vibrant engravings—many in color—from the classic 1918 publication, as well as a subject index with 13,000 entries ranging from the Antrum of Highmore to the Zonule of Zinn.